Solving the problem of iodine deficiency
Every woman wants to be happy, beloved and healthy.
And only the wisest representatives of the fair sex remember that a happy life is unthinkable without health in the sexual sphere and due attention to it ...
One of the actual problems of practical gynecology are inflammatory diseases of female genital organs. Based on the research, about 70% of women suffer from problems associated with the inflammatory processes of the female genitalia.
Stressful situations, decreased immunity and other negative factors contribute to the disruption of normal vaginal microflora, thereby provoking the emergence of gynecological diseases of both infectious and non-infectious etiology.
To solve these problems, special attention of scientists and practitioners is directed to the use of iodine preparations in connection with their antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, immunostimulant activity.
The company "Jodis-K" together with the Scientific Research Institute of Phytotherapy of Uzhgorod National University have developed and successfully clinically examined a new drug "Jodis-Calendula", which significantly facilitates the process of flow and helps to get rid of such female diseases.
According to the research "Jodis-Calendula" is an effective preparation for local sanitation of nonspecific colpitis of acute and recurrent course. The drug also improves the treatment of background changes on the cervix, therefore it is recommended for wide application in medical practice as a health and preventive remedy for sanitation of diseases of the mucous vagina, erosion of the cervix, thrush.
"Jodis-Calendula" is used for inflammatory processes caused by strepto- and staphylococcal flora, Candida albicans fungi, can be used in complex therapy of vulvitis and vulvovaginitis in girls, colpitis and vaginitis of pregnant women, in the postpartum period when processing rills and seams (promotes acceleration of healing), with various problems in menopause and menopause.
"Jodis-Calendula" - a unique preventive tool for wide application in the field of gynecology.
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