Solving the problem of iodine deficiency


Composition of Biojodis


PRODUCT: "BIOJODIS" (TU U 24.2-35517656-002: 2011)


Amino acids, humates, natural phytohormones, vitamins, spores of soil microorganisms, all the necessary macro and microelements and biologically active iodine (in the form of "Jodis-Concentrate" TU U 14326060.003-98 or TU U 15.9-30631018-007: 2005).

SHELF LIFE: 3 years

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at 1° C -30 ° C.

PACKAGING: Plastic containers with a capacity of 0.5 liters.

MANUFACTURER: LLC "NPK" Jodis ", IIC" Yark-Kiev ", PP" Biokonversiya ", Ukraine.