Solving the problem of iodine deficiency


Composition of «Jodis-Concentrate + Se»


PRODUCT: "Raw materials for the production of iodized products" Jodis-Concentrate + Se "TU U 14326060.003-98, according to the changes # 8, the conclusion of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine # 05.03.02-06 / 58431 of 31.12.2015.

Used as a source of iodine and selenium in domestic and industrial conditions to create high-grade beverages and products with radioprotective properties.

COMPOSITION: High-quality water enriched by special technology with polyatomic ions of iodine (Technological patent # PCT / UA.99 / 00020, Geneva, Switzerland, 22/8/2001), Se citrate TU U 15.8-35291116-008.

Total mineralization is not more than 1000.0 mg/dm3.

Chemical composition, mg/dm3, no more:

Sodium + Potassium

10 – 100


50 – 150 


10 – 100 






300 - 600


FORM OF ISSUE: An aqueous solution with a concentration of biologically active iodine (BAI) of 80 mg / dm3 and selenium of 0.05 mg / dm3. A slight iodine taste and a natural precipitate of mineral salts are permissible.

SHELF LIFE: 24 months.

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in a dark place at a temperature of 5 0– 20 0С.

PACKAGING: Plastic containers with a capacity of 0.25 liters.

MANUFACTURER: LLC "NPK" Jodis ", IPC" Yark-Kiev ", Ukraine.