Solving the problem of iodine deficiency



The list of clinical studies, research works and product evaluations under the trade mark "Jodis"


  1. Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism. V.P. Komisarenko.

Study of the effect of using water "Jodis" on the iodine deficiency indicators in school-age children

Head of the Laboratory of Epidemiology of Endocrine Diseases, Doctor of Medical Sciences V.I. Kravchenko

  1. Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Institute of Eco Hygiene and Toxicology. L.I. Medved.

Clinical examination of bread enriched with iodine, under the brand name "Jodis"

Head of the Department of Dietetics and Clinical Studies of Medico-Prophylactic Facilities, Doctor of Medical Sciences P.A. Karpenko

  1. Ministry of Health of Ukraine, SRI of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of Ukraine, Ukrainian State Center of Standardization and Control of Quality of Natural and Preformed Resources.

Scientific Research Work of laboratory-clinical trials of mineral medical-table iodinated water “Jodis”

Head of Ukrainian State Center of Standardization and Control of Quality of Natural and Preformed Resources, PhD of Chemistry E.M. Nikipelova

  1. Ministry of Health of Ukraine, SRI of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of Ukraine, Ukrainian State Center of Standardization and Control of Quality of Natural and Preformed Resources.

Conclusion on establishing stability of the composition, characteristics and period of storage of “Jodis-Concentrate”

Head of Ukrainian State Center of Standardization and Control of Quality of Natural and Preformed Resources, PhD of Chemistry E.M. Nikipelova

  1. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Research institute of Phytotherapy.

Scientific Research Work “Study of Influence of “Jodis-Concentrate” on the index of iodine deficiency in school-age children”

Head of Research institute of Phytotherapy, MD O.N. Ganich

  1. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Research institute of Phytotherapy.

Scientific Research Work “Jodis-Concentrate” for pregnant women and women in labor

Head of Research institute of Phytotherapy, MD O.N. Ganich

  1. SSU, Military Medical Directorate of the SSU, Central Polyclinic of Military Medical Directorate of the SSU.

Report on results of using “Jodis-Concentrate” in the conditions of SSU Hospital

Director – Head of Department, Corresponding Member of the AMS of Ukraine, MD, Professor M. Zaharash

  1. Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Urology and Nephrology.

Report on the conduct of clinical trials of therapeutic and prophylactic balsams of the brand “Sustagin” (containing “Jodis-Concentrate”)

Director – Doctor of the highest category V.K. Spiridonov


  1. State Scientific Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after A.N. Sysin RAMS (Russian Federation).

Conclusion on the results of the hygienic evaluation "Raw materials for the production of iodized products" Jodis-Concentrate "(TU U 14326060, 003-98)

Director - Head of the laboratory of drinking water supply, MD R.I. Michailova

  1. AMS of Ukraine, Scientific Center of Radiation Medicine, Institute of Experimental Radiology.

Report on the research work "Biological activity of mineral therapeutic and table water "Jodis"

Director – Head of the laboratory, MD, Professor L.A. Porohnyak-Ganovskaya

  1. Ministry of Health of Ukraine, National Medical University, Department of Food Hygiene.

Expertise of technical conditions for mineral water "Jodis-Concentrate"

Director – Head of Department of Food Hygiene, MD, professor, Laureate of the State Prize V.I. Tsipriyan

  1. The Crimean Republican Scientific Research Institute of Physical Methods of Treatment and Medical Climatology named after I.M. Sechenov.

Temporary methodological recommendations for the experimental use of biologically active iodine in physiotherapeutic treatment of patients on the basis of the Kiev balneo clinic ("Jodis-Concentrate", TU U 14326060, 003-98) 

Director – Head of Institute, MD, professor S.S. Soldatchenko


  1. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Sanitary permission for importation "Raw materials for the production of iodized products "Jodis-Concentrate"

Director - Chief State Sanitary Inspector, Doctor Tencho Tenev

  1. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian Scientific Research Institute of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Physiotherapy.

Conclusion on balneological evaluation of drinking carbonated iodized water "Jodis"

Director - Chief specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, head of the laboratory of physical methods of treatment and balneology, Laureate of the State Prize, Academician of BIA, PhD E.S. Kashitskiy

  1. Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.

Conclusion on the product - healthy water "Jodis"

Director – Head of Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, RNDr Carla Rzhigova

  1. Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development of Hungary, Main Department of Veterinary Sanitary and Food Inspection.

Conclusion on the issue of a license for "Table drinking water "Jodis"

Director – Head of Department, doctor Shandor Elteto

  1. Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova, National Scientific and Practical Center for Preventive Medicine.

Report on the research work: " Effect of iodinated water consumption "Aqua unIQa" (containing "Jodis-Concentrate") on the index of iodine deficiency in school-age children"

Director - Deputy Director of NSPCPM, scientific director, Habilitated Doctor of Medicine, Professor Constantine Spynu